HAN Bloody Mary
HAN Bloody Mary Ingredients 2 1/2 parts HAN SOJU ASIAN “VODKA” 48 proof 4 parts Finest Call Zesty or Loaded Bloody Mary Mix 1/2 part fresh lemon juice Dash of ground pepper 2 dashes celery or fennel bitters (optional) 1/4 parts Sriracha (optional) Method Salt tall...
HAN Dragon
HAN Dragon Ingredients 3 parts HAN SOJU ASIAN “VODKA” 48 proof 2 parts Lychee juice (Ceres or from canned fruit) 1/2 parts Finest Call Pomegranate syrup Method Shake and pour ingredients over ice. Strain into martini glass. Garnish with orange slice or Lychee fruit. *...
Salty Dog
Salty Dog Ingredients 2 parts HAN SOJU ASIAN “VODKA” 48 proof 2 1/2 parts grapefruit juice Method Before mixing, salt rocks glass rim (optional). Fill glass with ice and mix in ingredients. Garnish with lime wedge. AllCaneCitrussFireHAN 80HAN OriginalTEQ HAN Mary...